What You & Your iPhone have in common.
I get asked what a system is on a daily basis, and it's something I've not been able to describe, as it's one of those head-y things that no one can truly understand.
But one thing we can all understand is an iPhone!
In this episode, I share how I approach systems, and from an iPhone approach.
Episode Link: https://simplicityspecialist.captivate.fm/episode/whatisasystem
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A Note On Transcriptions - In the interest of simplicity, I'm using Descript* to make podcast publishing as easy as possible. This means that sometimes the transcript won't match what I'm saying and sometimes it'll be hilariously different (tag me on Twitter telling me the funniest transcription you've found).
What do you and your iPhone have in common?
Jonathan Stewart:You are both part of a system.
Jonathan Stewart:And you both are a system in itself.
Jonathan Stewart:But what actually is a system?
Jonathan Stewart:An easy way to start is with an iPhone.
Jonathan Stewart:Your iPhone is made out of 17 components each of the 17 components or pieces have
Jonathan Stewart:been put together to serve a purpose.
Jonathan Stewart:To allow you to listen to this podcast episode.
Jonathan Stewart:Okay.
Jonathan Stewart:Perhaps more than just listen to the podcast episode.
Jonathan Stewart:Also to do the things that you want to do and if one of those pieces or parts
Jonathan Stewart:can't communicate with the system.
Jonathan Stewart:For example, your battery dies and you can no longer keep a charge.
Jonathan Stewart:What can you do?
Jonathan Stewart:Now apple has a tendency to lock down that components now
Jonathan Stewart:it is possible to take it apart.
Jonathan Stewart:If you have the specialist tools which means hiring special help they
Jonathan Stewart:come in, they take things apart.
Jonathan Stewart:They replace the battery, they put it together, but it will
Jonathan Stewart:never work quite the same way.
Jonathan Stewart:Again.
Jonathan Stewart:And that's the same when it comes to using templates or other people's systems.
Jonathan Stewart:There are so many courses that teach you how to be organized and productive.
Jonathan Stewart:They talk about one specific app that you're supposed to use.
Jonathan Stewart:One specific tool that will solve everything.
Jonathan Stewart:One specific solution.
Jonathan Stewart:But the problem with that is your components and their
Jonathan Stewart:components are not the same.
Jonathan Stewart:thing.
Jonathan Stewart:You can't see the components of the system.
Jonathan Stewart:You can't see the different pieces and you're interacting with pieces of that
Jonathan Stewart:system, but also you have pieces that need to interact with those pieces.
Jonathan Stewart:For example One of the pieces of me is time blindness.
Jonathan Stewart:I struggle with reading a date.
Jonathan Stewart:even if it's a couple of days, time, if it's in the next month,
Jonathan Stewart:I think it's a whole month away.
Jonathan Stewart:So traditional to do list apps which just show dates.
Jonathan Stewart:Completely and utterly don't work for me I look at it and it's may
Jonathan Stewart:as well be in a foreign language.
Jonathan Stewart:Because one of the components for me is I need some form of translation matrix.
Jonathan Stewart:If you will, if we use the language analogy, Again, To translate it into
Jonathan Stewart:something that I can understand.
Jonathan Stewart:And when you know what your system is and what the components of you are.
Jonathan Stewart:When, you know, the components of you as a system.
Jonathan Stewart:You're able to make sure that the components of other
Jonathan Stewart:programs, softwares apps.
Jonathan Stewart:Fit you.
Jonathan Stewart:Going back to to-do lists every day, we have a lots of things
Jonathan Stewart:that we're supposed to be doing.
Jonathan Stewart:As a business owner now, for some people holding it in your head is enough for me.
Jonathan Stewart:I forget things really quickly.
Jonathan Stewart:And honestly, for most It's pretty difficult to store everything in our head.
Jonathan Stewart:And so we know that's a component or a piece of what we struggle with.
Jonathan Stewart:And so getting it out somewhere is what we need to have another component
Jonathan Stewart:that you can use to make things easier.
Jonathan Stewart:But that involves understanding the components of you.
Jonathan Stewart:First and using them.
Jonathan Stewart:However in traditional productivity advice.
Jonathan Stewart:Sadly people are talking about how you just need to build better habits.
Jonathan Stewart:Get better.
Jonathan Stewart:Do this, do that.
Jonathan Stewart:Now, if what you want from your system is to build better habits.
Jonathan Stewart:Fine.
Jonathan Stewart:That is great.
Jonathan Stewart:And you can create a system to help you.
Jonathan Stewart:But it has to be something that fits you.
Jonathan Stewart:And it has to start from you because you have key components that make up your
Jonathan Stewart:system and the way that you interact with an external system or another system.
Jonathan Stewart:And they come together.
Jonathan Stewart:If you don't recognize those components and realize that when another piece
Jonathan Stewart:isn't fitting you like a battery's dying, you need to replace it.
Jonathan Stewart:And when we go a little bit out of just ourselves our business is a
Jonathan Stewart:system is a lot of different components that make up how we do what we do.
Jonathan Stewart:It's clients, it's finances.
Jonathan Stewart:It's all of the different pieces.
Jonathan Stewart:And they need to work together.
Jonathan Stewart:If you can't find pieces that work for you say, for example, you're trying to
Jonathan Stewart:use mailChimp when you really hate it and it doesn't fit your brain it's like
Jonathan Stewart:having your iPhone in Japanese when you can't speak Japanese at all of course
Jonathan Stewart:you can learn Japanese if you have the time and want to do so but you only have
Jonathan Stewart:a certain amount of time in the day.
Jonathan Stewart:And if you've got to go and learn a new language just to do the things that you
Jonathan Stewart:want to do it's really not going to help.
Jonathan Stewart:Instead, you switch the language back to English.
Jonathan Stewart:And that means creating something that starts from you.
Jonathan Stewart:Now for some switching the language back to English is easier than others.
Jonathan Stewart:And sometimes you don't even know it's in a foreign language.
Jonathan Stewart:You just don't even know where to go.
Jonathan Stewart:If that sounds like you and you want help figuring out your components,
Jonathan Stewart:I'd like to help with one of the things that holds every single
Jonathan Stewart:client of mine back to do lists.
Jonathan Stewart:Wouldn't it be great to just wake up and know exactly what
Jonathan Stewart:you need to do every single day.
Jonathan Stewart:To be able to come to a place where you're like, oh, these are the
Jonathan Stewart:things that I need to do today in order to do what I need to do today.
Jonathan Stewart:The things that I want to get done, the timeframes that I have to make sure I
Jonathan Stewart:follow up with clients instead of just having to guess and feel completely
Jonathan Stewart:overwhelmed all the time you ended up exhausted, tired and want to be
Jonathan Stewart:doing anything, but looking through a massive list, which it looks like
Jonathan Stewart:it's written in a different language.
Jonathan Stewart:If this sounds like something you're struggling with right now.
Jonathan Stewart:I want to help with a translation layer to help with managing
Jonathan Stewart:all of your, to do's and things you've got to do in your business.
Jonathan Stewart:In a way that fits you, we're going to take your components and the way
Jonathan Stewart:that you work and use them to create something that actually fits you
Jonathan Stewart:instead of trying to teach you how to be better and quote unquote, not broken.
Jonathan Stewart:There's nothing wrong with you.
Jonathan Stewart:It's just the pieces of you aren't chatting very well together.
Jonathan Stewart:And i'm going to help you in three weeks to do just that if this sounds
Jonathan Stewart:interesting for you and you want to create something that is actually going to
Jonathan Stewart:help you keep track of all your tattoos, then come and join me for the starter
Jonathan Stewart:system workshop for task management.
Jonathan Stewart:You can find out more at simplicity-specialist.com
Jonathan Stewart:forward slash starter systems.
Jonathan Stewart:That's simplicity, dash specialist.com.
Jonathan Stewart:forward slash starter systems.