The Disconnect Between What You Want & Have
This topic is one that I ADORE talking about! I am not a motivated person (or at least that's not the entire story!) a lot of my motivation comes between the friction between what I want, and what I have!
This podcast discusses this!
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A Note On Transcriptions - In the interest of simplicity, I'm using Descript* to make podcast publishing as easy as possible. This means that sometimes the transcript won't match what I'm saying and sometimes it'll be hilariously different (tag me on Twitter telling me the funniest transcription you've found).
How do you decide what to listen to and take action on?
Jonathan Stewart:For a long time.
Jonathan Stewart:I just followed what I thought, which sounds super easy.
Jonathan Stewart:But for me it never was because I think about a lot of different things.
Jonathan Stewart:I've got a hundred.
Jonathan Stewart:Million ideas that I want to take action on.
Jonathan Stewart:And so deciding where to start feels really overwhelming.
Jonathan Stewart:Thankfully.
Jonathan Stewart:I figured out something that works for me.
Jonathan Stewart:I just consider what I want and go after it.
Jonathan Stewart:I bring it to life.
Jonathan Stewart:Or at least that's part of the story.
Jonathan Stewart:The above probably sounds rather familiar to those who've heard the
Jonathan Stewart:manifesting conversation go after what you want and it'll appear and
Jonathan Stewart:everything will be great and amazing.
Jonathan Stewart:However, in my own experience and the experience of my clients.
Jonathan Stewart:There's often a piece missing.
Jonathan Stewart:If you just go after what you want, you're running blind.
Jonathan Stewart:Because what you want rarely matches what you have, AKA the reality of
Jonathan Stewart:your situation, what's actually going on for you, what you have at your
Jonathan Stewart:disposal and also what you don't have, because that's the reality.
Jonathan Stewart:I want nothing more but to spend each and every day talking to amazing
Jonathan Stewart:people, helping them with all the things that are stopping them to
Jonathan Stewart:achieve what they want in their business bringing simplicity to them.
Jonathan Stewart:However, the reality of my situation is talking to a lot of people
Jonathan Stewart:every day drains me and I ended up tired the very next day meaning
Jonathan Stewart:for me it's kind of unsustainable.
Jonathan Stewart:What you want is one thing.
Jonathan Stewart:But what you have available to you is also an incredible part
Jonathan Stewart:of it and they work together.
Jonathan Stewart:I can't just drop everything and go traveling to speak on stage...
Jonathan Stewart:although I did go to Portland this year and somehow I ended up doing just that.
Jonathan Stewart:But I have a family which, oh my God, I would miss them terribly.
Jonathan Stewart:And it was hard for them as it was for me.
Jonathan Stewart:I say this not as a victim of my circumstance, but as the reality
Jonathan Stewart:of the environment I'm in.
Jonathan Stewart:Now I am completely a hundred percent able to influence my environment,
Jonathan Stewart:but what you want and what you have are often in direct conflict with
Jonathan Stewart:each other, there is a disconnect.
Jonathan Stewart:But the thing I love about the friction between want and have is
Jonathan Stewart:that it drives me to do something.
Jonathan Stewart:It drives me to take action.
Jonathan Stewart:I am often perceived as being motivated, driven even, but that doesn't come because
Jonathan Stewart:of habits or routines or a task list whether that be my notion or my obsidian.
Jonathan Stewart:It comes from me knowing what I want and what I have, and the
Jonathan Stewart:innate friction between the two.
Jonathan Stewart:It keeps me moving, it motivates me to continue doing things even when,
Jonathan Stewart:sometimes I'm not really in the mood.
Jonathan Stewart:For example, this podcast I'm motivated to continue it because
Jonathan Stewart:I want new clients, test out new formats and work with new people!
Jonathan Stewart:By being aware of what I really want it allows me to add constraints.
Jonathan Stewart:As my brain has so many ideas by having these constraints, it allows
Jonathan Stewart:me to move forward in a direction that fits what I'm looking to do.
Jonathan Stewart:Now the thing that I absolutely love about this process is
Jonathan Stewart:this completely non-linear.
Jonathan Stewart:It's not about do one then two, then three or maybe even three than two than one,
Jonathan Stewart:or maybe 2, 1, 3, or maybe I could just do three through 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2.
Jonathan Stewart:It's basically based on what I want to do in the moment and what I have in front of
Jonathan Stewart:me, it allows me to work in that moment.
Jonathan Stewart:Yes.
Jonathan Stewart:My dopamine loving friends.
Jonathan Stewart:We can use the dopamine, follow what we want and have it and
Jonathan Stewart:match it with what we have.
Jonathan Stewart:We don't have to try to avoid it or make us better at staying focused.
Jonathan Stewart:It's about figuring out what we want and what we have, and that
Jonathan Stewart:friction creates what we do!
Jonathan Stewart:We all bombarded by hundreds of things each day.
Jonathan Stewart:So trying to force our brains to focus on the surface, kind of makes sense.
Jonathan Stewart:But sometimes chasing after just our wants are forcing us to focus in one direction.
Jonathan Stewart:Causes more trouble than it's worth instead of just starting from one
Jonathan Stewart:thing, start from the full reality of you and the reality that you are in.
Jonathan Stewart:Don't want to go it alone reach out to