Episode 13

Published on:

22nd Jul 2022

Sustainability, "The Manager" & "The Talent"

Sustainability. It's something that everyone wants for their business. But where does the word come from.

In this free-form episode, I talk about just that! I also explore two concepts I'm playing with...

The Manager & The Talent and how they influence sustainability.

A Note On Transcriptions - In the interest of simplicity, I'm using Descript* to make podcast publishing as easy as possible. This means that sometimes the transcript won't match what I'm saying, and sometimes it'll be hilariously different (tag me on Twitter telling me the funniest transcription you've found).

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Notion Nerds Podcast: Where my co-host and I go a little deeper on psychology, learning, and discussing our opinions on the productivity space.

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Jonathan Stewart:

Simplicity create sustainability, but what does it mean

Jonathan Stewart:

to actually have a sustainable business?

Jonathan Stewart:

That was a question that I had as I was talking to a client recently.

Jonathan Stewart:

They weren't struggling with the managerial part of running a business and.

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Quite frankly, most creatives myself included.

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Also struggle with the same thing.

Jonathan Stewart:

And as I was going through and having the conversation with my client, they were

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talking about how there's been a number of issues that have come up for them,

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where the team haven't worked in a way.

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And she feels like that there's something wrong.

Jonathan Stewart:

And they haven't done something right!

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And it's their fault.

Jonathan Stewart:

And the whole point is to create safety in the business.

Jonathan Stewart:

One of the things that so many business owners are looking for,

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and myself included is safety, security, and sustainability.

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Earning enough money to keep the business going and keep things moving.

Jonathan Stewart:

Now, unfortunately, a lot of entrepreneurship.

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Isn't exactly the most safest it's far safer just to get a normal job.

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However, we're in it for the long haul.

Jonathan Stewart:

So I wanted to look at sustainability again or to sustain.

Jonathan Stewart:

And of course, as always the atomology boogies coming straight up here.

Jonathan Stewart:

And what it says is that sustained comes from the 13 hundreds

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from the stern of old French.

Jonathan Stewart:

And it means to give support to.

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Going from the early 14 century, it moves into endure without failing or yielding.

Jonathan Stewart:

And that's fascinating to me.

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It doesn't talk about sustaining or sustainability as a

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thing that is only positive.

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It is being able to hold up.

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Too bad to endure without falling.

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Meaning things can go wrong, but you'll still be able to move forward.

Jonathan Stewart:

And I find that a little bit fascinating when it comes to finding

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sustainability in your business systems is one of those things that

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really support and can help with that.

Jonathan Stewart:

But also having a manager's mindset whilst also being the creative.

Jonathan Stewart:

I was also having that moment of talent.

Jonathan Stewart:

Recently, I have been struggling in my own business, managing the talent

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side, the bit where my creative flow and the excitement and all of the

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things that show up when I'm talking directly to clients and actually

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helping them solve their problems.

Jonathan Stewart:

The verse simplicity specialist, part of me and the manager who helps

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keep the team up and running and helps me to sustain my business.

Jonathan Stewart:

The manager's role is to help, to sustain, to create the safety.

Jonathan Stewart:

And that manager is me.

Jonathan Stewart:

But being a manager is not very easy.

Jonathan Stewart:

It's annoying and frustrating.

Jonathan Stewart:

Another way of thinking about the manager is something that rod reads calls 10 K.

Jonathan Stewart:

Task management around things that are not the most fun and 10 K work is like.

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The big stuff, the stuff that doesn't really.

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Give you that which feels so good.

Jonathan Stewart:

The manager is working on things that are long term.

Jonathan Stewart:

There is no instant punch of dopamine when you do it.

Jonathan Stewart:

This is including things like creating systems in your business.

Jonathan Stewart:

This includes things like writing SOP is training team members, and all of

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it is boring especially for the talent.

Jonathan Stewart:

Especially for the talent.

Jonathan Stewart:

But for the manager, they always create the biggest long term.

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Jonathan Stewart:

Because just the state is to be able to enjoy things.

Jonathan Stewart:

If you have team members who end up passing on their work to someone else,

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if you don't have the systems in place and you don't know what everyone needs

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to be doing, it's not sustainable.

Jonathan Stewart:

It's all in your head.

Jonathan Stewart:

And if it stays in your head, then no one, but you can do it.

Jonathan Stewart:

So the talent can't do that job because they're always thinking about

Jonathan Stewart:

the management that always being the manager, because they always have

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to move pieces around for others.

Jonathan Stewart:

Instead of allowing the talent or the skilled person or

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whatever you want to call it.

Jonathan Stewart:

Talent is a word I don't exactly like, but the person who is

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performing and creating and.

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Really loving it.

Jonathan Stewart:

I can actually come to life more instead of allowing the creator, the creative

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or the talent to manage everything, get the manager, to manage things, get

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them, to create the options, get them to do the sustainable work, whether

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it be sending an email when you're away for a week going okay, here are

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the pieces that you've got to do.

Jonathan Stewart:

Here's where everything is and having that brain dump how people

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overcomplicate standard operating procedures, people over Compli.

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Complicate systems.

Jonathan Stewart:

It's so easy to get in the strategic mind of how to do this in the most

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efficient way, the most efficient ways to get it out of your head.

Jonathan Stewart:

Start by getting the things that you do out of your head.

Jonathan Stewart:

We often keep it stuck in our head and when it's in our head, the talent

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and the manager are fighting for.

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Control our fighting to do the work and know the one of them likes the

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other one and it becomes difficult.

Jonathan Stewart:

Whereas if the manager just managers and the talent just does all the beautiful,

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sexy stuff that you want to do, the stuff that lights you up as a business

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owner, it allows you to really create something that lasts so much longer.

Jonathan Stewart:

It creates something that is sustainable.

Jonathan Stewart:

So I've been talking about the manager and the talent.

Jonathan Stewart:

What do I mean by those things?

Jonathan Stewart:

So a manager is the person who does the management is the.

Jonathan Stewart:

CEO is the person who's at the top.

Jonathan Stewart:

Now you can, of course outsource this to an actual fractional CEO or someone

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who does the project management.

Jonathan Stewart:

If that is something that you want to do.

Jonathan Stewart:

Absolutely do that.

Jonathan Stewart:

But if you are at a point in your business where that is not sustainable and possible

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for you to hire that out, Then you have to do that, whether you like it or not.

Jonathan Stewart:

But that doesn't mean it has to be hard.

Jonathan Stewart:

Now I will say now, if you let the talent do it, then yes, it

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will be hard and you will not be able to achieve sustainability.

Jonathan Stewart:

So if we start with the manager, the manager's responsibility

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is to manage things.

Jonathan Stewart:

It is to think beyond the next couple of weeks or the next client it's to see

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all of the moving pieces of the business and see where we're going in the future.

Jonathan Stewart:

The manager is the one who really does work on the $10,000 an hour work.

Jonathan Stewart:

It's the one who starts creating the systems and recruiting

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and training and all of the.

Jonathan Stewart:

Part like everything, all of the big stuff that is, that takes ages to get something

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out, the manager does not need the big delicious dopamine hits at the talent.

Jonathan Stewart:


Jonathan Stewart:

We all love a bit of dopamine.

Jonathan Stewart:

We all love that.

Jonathan Stewart:

And it was.

Jonathan Stewart:


Jonathan Stewart:

It was delicious, but it sucks.

Jonathan Stewart:

And it's boring.

Jonathan Stewart:

If you are the talent.

Jonathan Stewart:

It is boring.

Jonathan Stewart:

If you are the talent.

Jonathan Stewart:

What you have as a manager is you're the one who keeps the thing going.

Jonathan Stewart:

It keeps things sustainable.

Jonathan Stewart:

It's sustains you, it sustains your business and allows you to

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work in integrity with yourself.

Jonathan Stewart:


Jonathan Stewart:

The talent.

Jonathan Stewart:

Is a little bit nuts and is a little bit crazy.

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And it's highly emotional.

Jonathan Stewart:

At least my talent is, I don't know whether yours is

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the same, but often it is.

Jonathan Stewart:

So it's the tongue.

Jonathan Stewart:

The talent is the reason you got into business.

Jonathan Stewart:

The stuff that is your life's work, the stuff that lights you up.

Jonathan Stewart:

Whenever you see that it's the teacher, the one who comes to your clients

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and goes, Hey, have you noticed this?

Jonathan Stewart:

And the bit that makes them, let them go.

Jonathan Stewart:

Oh, that's cool.

Jonathan Stewart:

Oh, I like that.

Jonathan Stewart:

Oh my God.

Jonathan Stewart:

You've made my life better.

Jonathan Stewart:

It's the coach.

Jonathan Stewart:

That's the talent.

Jonathan Stewart:

I hate the word talent.

Jonathan Stewart:

Because I have a whole thing about what talent is, but for

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me, it's the best explanation.

Jonathan Stewart:

The talent is the coach.

Jonathan Stewart:

It's the one who makes the.

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Things change.

Jonathan Stewart:

It's the exciting stuff that you love to do.

Jonathan Stewart:

If you're a coach, it's when you're coaching where your client and

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why they keep coming back to you.

Jonathan Stewart:

If you're a consultant, it's the way you tell people what to do and

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they get the results that they need.

Jonathan Stewart:

If you are the simplicity specialist, which are not.

Jonathan Stewart:

Cause that's me.

Jonathan Stewart:

It's the one who can bring all of the pieces of you together and create

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something pretty magical for your clients.

Jonathan Stewart:

That is what the talent is.

Jonathan Stewart:

Whereas the manager is the one who helps to keep the talent

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going in a direction that fits.

Jonathan Stewart:

Sometimes what's really hard is when the talent takes over your brain

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is scattered everywhere and you're trying to do everything and all of the

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things all of the time, all at once.

Jonathan Stewart:

And that makes it far harder to create a business that is sustainable.

Jonathan Stewart:

That does not mean need one offer to clarify, because one offer

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may not be sustainable for the talent because the talent needs

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something as well as the manager.

Jonathan Stewart:

The talent needs to explore and play, but there has to be some limitations,

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some boundaries, some constraints that helps the talent to stay focused.

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Otherwise it moves everywhere.

Jonathan Stewart:

One of the big things that I have struggled with in the past of my

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business is when the talent is running the business, because in that towns is

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running the business, it's throwing out.

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Too many offers that are really confusing for your people.

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This is where niching is often thought about a niche is one way

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of putting clear constraints.

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Into the talents way to help direct it into action and moving forward it

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helps to create a clearer context that your potential clients and customers

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can see and what you can see and allows you to direct the talent in a way that

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keeps the business sustainable that is the manager's responsibility and role

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About the Podcast

Unscripting Neurodiversity with Amelia Stewart
For individuals looking for solutions as unique as them.
If you find the normal advice on “just work in this way, and everything will be perfect” and you constantly get stuck in a cycle of trying to “fix your business” and no matter what you do it just doesn't feel quite right. This podcast is for you.

About your host

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Amelia Stewart

Everyone talks about Simplicity as the WAY to do things. If you do less things, you think about less things, and therefore you can use your time more effectively. But doing less things doesn’t always feel like an option, and sometimes it doesn’t need to be an option.

Simplicity isn’t the thing you need to do first, it’s the result of knowing how you work.

You can have multiple projects and still plan other things you’re excited about!!

I help over-thinkers like you actually do shit without making you feel bad about all your projects and ideas.

I run a business, whilst running 6 D&D campaigns, looking after two disabled children (with my partner who works full time), and I’m always wanting to do more.