What Simplicity Actually Means & Why You Might Not Hate It.
Everybody thinks that simplicity means less, do less, have less and somehow that makes things better?
Accept It's not true.
In today's podcast, I explain what simplicity actually means and why in your case it might mean having more things, not necessarily less.
A Note On Transcriptions - In the interest of simplicity, I'm using Descript* to make podcast publishing as easy as possible. This means that sometimes the transcript won't match what I'm saying and sometimes it'll be hilariously different (tag me on Twitter telling me the funniest transcription you've found).
It took me a while to come up with the name for this podcast.
Jonathan Stewart:I'm the business.
Jonathan Stewart:'cause I always struggled with explaining what I did and simplicity has been the
Jonathan Stewart:word that people are often looking for yet it Is a really hard word to define.
Jonathan Stewart:What does simplicity really mean?
Jonathan Stewart:Now in the previous episode, I touched on what simplicity was
Jonathan Stewart:and how it relates to business.
Jonathan Stewart:But I wanted to just take this episode to talk a little bit more about
Jonathan Stewart:simplicity and what that actually means because simplicity has many different
Jonathan Stewart:definitions for different people.
Jonathan Stewart:And I honestly believe, as I say before, that context is always key.
Jonathan Stewart:And so here's where simplicity starts for me.
Jonathan Stewart:Simplicity means bringing everything together, bringing the multiple parts
Jonathan Stewart:of you together to create something that works often simplicity is seen as less,
Jonathan Stewart:less things, less, this less, that.
Jonathan Stewart:And in this case, that's not what I mean.
Jonathan Stewart:Sometimes it does mean less but simplicity also can mean more when more means doing
Jonathan Stewart:things in a way that works for you.
Jonathan Stewart:Everything I do stems from that idea that it starts from you, that it starts from.
Jonathan Stewart:Who you all and in businesses is the case because you are your best asset.
Jonathan Stewart:You are the only specific combination of knowledge, creativity, strengths,
Jonathan Stewart:and weird quirks there is and trying to create something that isn't based on you.
Jonathan Stewart:Can feel either not quite right or absolutely miserable.
Jonathan Stewart:It could feel horrible.
Jonathan Stewart:When it comes to finding simplicity it's around combining all of the
Jonathan Stewart:varying little pieces of you together to be comfortable in what you do.
Jonathan Stewart:For me notion was the first entry point into being able to work how I work.
Jonathan Stewart:And I still believe that notion is one of the best tools for the job.
Jonathan Stewart:However it doesn't work for everybody infact notion no
Jonathan Stewart:longer works for me on its own.
Jonathan Stewart:As you grow as a business owner things change.
Jonathan Stewart:And if simplicity is around less, and if simplicity talks about doing
Jonathan Stewart:less things and taking things away then you have to take away parts of
Jonathan Stewart:you that you feel aren't as perfect.
Jonathan Stewart:And as I said in the last one, you are not broken.
Jonathan Stewart:There's nothing wrong with you and simplicity is instead of trying to
Jonathan Stewart:only incorporate the convenient parts of you it's about radical acceptance.
Jonathan Stewart:It's about that ability to get to go.
Jonathan Stewart:Hey.
Jonathan Stewart:I get really easily distracted sometimes and overthink what I'm doing.
Jonathan Stewart:So a video is probably not going to help because I'll spend most of my time
Jonathan Stewart:editing and I will never hit publish.
Jonathan Stewart:Because I would struggle too much to do so.
Jonathan Stewart:It's about.
Jonathan Stewart:Being able to know the difference between.
Jonathan Stewart:Hard, meaning it's a challenge for you to do it, but it will help you move forward.
Jonathan Stewart:And the hard being, no, I literally cannot do this.
Jonathan Stewart:This is not something that's within my.
Jonathan Stewart:Ability as a human being, because we have so limited time and
Jonathan Stewart:space and capacity to do things.
Jonathan Stewart:We have one life that is short.
Jonathan Stewart:And so we have to pick and choose the bits we focus on.
Jonathan Stewart:So no matter what.
Jonathan Stewart:We have to get to a point of acceptance of who we are, because real change
Jonathan Stewart:happens when you accept who you are.
Jonathan Stewart:Which is a bit of a paradox, really isn't it?
Jonathan Stewart:People think that to change, you have to make, and take action.
Jonathan Stewart:When really change happens when you accept who you are.
Jonathan Stewart:Instead of trying to become who you're not.
Jonathan Stewart:And simplicity is developed over time and simplicity will always look
Jonathan Stewart:different to every single individual person, depending on what you need.
Jonathan Stewart:For me, simplicity is being able to effortlessly show up
Jonathan Stewart:in the way that I work best.
Jonathan Stewart:I started this podcast because I realized that for me, creating
Jonathan Stewart:videos, although great.
Jonathan Stewart:And I'm pretty good on camera I'm I spent so much time like making my setup right.
Jonathan Stewart:Et cetera, et cetera.
Jonathan Stewart:I ended up spending more time trying to create videos.
Jonathan Stewart:That wouldn't fit on the platform that it was being published on.
Jonathan Stewart:YouTube isn't necessarily the right platform for what I want to say.
Jonathan Stewart:And I was trying to change how I spoke to fit a certain meta whereas here
Jonathan Stewart:I'm noticing that I can just talk.
Jonathan Stewart:I found great success co-hosting a podcast, with a good friend of mine.
Jonathan Stewart:Around productivity and systems.
Jonathan Stewart:This is a more of an open conversation about expanding our definitions of
Jonathan Stewart:systems and productivity and stuff and sharing my thoughts with you.
Jonathan Stewart:Because frankly, I have these wonderful conversations with amazing people.
Jonathan Stewart:But the problem is, is that they're often in and out and my brain is gone.
Jonathan Stewart:And I forget about it.
Jonathan Stewart:Once this podcast episode is published, I will probably forget what I'm saying now
Jonathan Stewart:I could try and force myself to build a second brain, to create a system to help
Jonathan Stewart:manage that but it still doesn't work.
Jonathan Stewart:I spent so long trying to build this second brain, but then
Jonathan Stewart:I never accessed that brain.
Jonathan Stewart:I never really did anything with it because I was trying to figure out
Jonathan Stewart:which one is first, which one is best.
Jonathan Stewart:So now my strategy for this podcast is to talk to you as if you were
Jonathan Stewart:sat next to me as if we were talking to one another in a consult.
Jonathan Stewart:It's around helping people like yourself figure out what simplicity means to
Jonathan Stewart:you, what productivity means to you?
Jonathan Stewart:We have these really weird words that are just used in business
Jonathan Stewart:yet we do not define them.
Jonathan Stewart:There is productivity what actually is productivity?
Jonathan Stewart:What does that actually mean?
Jonathan Stewart:Simplicity, what does that actually mean?
Jonathan Stewart:What does simplicity mean?
Jonathan Stewart:And the cool thing is, is that it doesn't mean anything it's based on how you view.
Jonathan Stewart:Simplicity.
Jonathan Stewart:Now if you've used simplicity as less than great.
Jonathan Stewart:But for me, simplicity is about the combination and
Jonathan Stewart:bringing together everything.
Jonathan Stewart:Every part of us in a way that works for us.
Jonathan Stewart:It starts with us, our businesses start with us, our systems start
Jonathan Stewart:with us because systems are naturally human people see systems as props
Jonathan Stewart:the things that you do, the ways of being you, that you try to force
Jonathan Stewart:support yourself to fix or manage you.
Jonathan Stewart:So you can just pretend.
Jonathan Stewart:And fake.
Jonathan Stewart:The bits of you, you don't like the inconvenient human bits and just be nice
Jonathan Stewart:and tidy and productive and yet, you'll just have these multiple layers of guilt.
Jonathan Stewart:In the past with clients when they've got a notion build from me when I built the
Jonathan Stewart:motion system that I I'm sorry, I'm not using it the way you wanted me to use it.
Jonathan Stewart:And my reply is good.
Jonathan Stewart:Thank you.
Jonathan Stewart:I don't want people to use a system my way.
Jonathan Stewart:I want them to figure out what works for them.
Jonathan Stewart:And that's where notion's power is.
Jonathan Stewart:And that's where real simplicity comes.
Jonathan Stewart:When you go.
Jonathan Stewart:Huh.
Jonathan Stewart:I can do this.
Jonathan Stewart:Hi.
Jonathan Stewart:I am not broken.
Jonathan Stewart:Instead of thinking is systems as these things that we have to.
Jonathan Stewart:Layer on top of ourselves to fix what is broken.
Jonathan Stewart:Systems are.
Jonathan Stewart:Uh, safety net.
Jonathan Stewart:My systems are a safety net.
Jonathan Stewart:They're not designed for me when I'm at my most productive they're designed for
Jonathan Stewart:me when I'm at my worst, when I need help.
Jonathan Stewart:When I'm at a point where it's like, Hey,
Jonathan Stewart:I need.
Jonathan Stewart:Support to make sure I remember all the things I talk about.
Jonathan Stewart:Good example of this in fact, is I am not great at note taking,
Jonathan Stewart:especially when I'm in a call, when I'm having a conversation with someone
Jonathan Stewart:I am engaged in that conversation.
Jonathan Stewart:I want to fully engage.
Jonathan Stewart:I cannot multitask between writing notes and talking.
Jonathan Stewart:I find that really hard.
Jonathan Stewart:And so I have a system to support me with that.
Jonathan Stewart:That system includes Otter AI.
Jonathan Stewart:Where I have otter record the calls and it means I can send that out
Jonathan Stewart:because I've done coaching calls and things like that in the past where
Jonathan Stewart:the coach has sent me the recording.
Jonathan Stewart:I never watched the recording.
Jonathan Stewart:I never watch it back.
Jonathan Stewart:The magic was in the element, but I would love to be able to just
Jonathan Stewart:scan through and find the pieces.
Jonathan Stewart:And thanks to Otter AI.
Jonathan Stewart:I can do that.
Jonathan Stewart:And so I incorporated that for my clients.
Jonathan Stewart:And it's helped me to do my job better.
Jonathan Stewart:Because I know I can't no-take, but we're often told, you know, as a coach
Jonathan Stewart:to make notes on what you're hearing.
Jonathan Stewart:And sometimes I still do I like that tactile feedback but I also
Jonathan Stewart:have this backup for when I get so engrossed in the conversation.
Jonathan Stewart:Another thing that I have in my business that helps me to keep track of what
Jonathan Stewart:I'm doing because I hyper focus.
Jonathan Stewart:I'm autistic.
Jonathan Stewart:I have a focus.
Jonathan Stewart:I am always jumping between different things.
Jonathan Stewart:And one of the things I needed to figure out is where does my time go?
Jonathan Stewart:Cause what I work on projects, I deep dive deep.
Jonathan Stewart:I can spend hours, which is wonderful for my clients but the hours I've spent doing
Jonathan Stewart:that needs to be sustainable for me to run a business and also spend time with
Jonathan Stewart:my family, which is always important.
Jonathan Stewart:And the way that is often taught to figure that out is to time, track
Jonathan Stewart:and time block and things like that.
Jonathan Stewart:And so for me, I tried that.
Jonathan Stewart:And in the end, I got very distracted by that instead of
Jonathan Stewart:trying to block my time and time.
Jonathan Stewart:And I had tools to help me.
Jonathan Stewart:I got a stream deck and use that stream deck.
Jonathan Stewart:And for certain ways of working, I do that.
Jonathan Stewart:I have certain things in certain aspects where I use toggle out of my stream
Jonathan Stewart:deck but then there are things that I'm doing like this right now, recording a
Jonathan Stewart:podcast where I'd have to press a button.
Jonathan Stewart:And often when I'm in this mode of recording or sharing ideas, pressing a
Jonathan Stewart:button is a disruption 'cause then it's like, oh, I could do that by changing
Jonathan Stewart:this and this and this and this and this.
Jonathan Stewart:I'd spend more time Changing my system than actually taking action,
Jonathan Stewart:because that is something that I know I'm very good at doing.
Jonathan Stewart:So in the end, I purchased a completely different piece of software.
Jonathan Stewart:More software, not less to help me with the specific thing that I need.
Jonathan Stewart:I've started using rise recently because it tracks everything in
Jonathan Stewart:the background and just gives me an oversight and an overview of what I'm
Jonathan Stewart:doing and self categorizes for me.
Jonathan Stewart:So I do not have to think about it and that is great.
Jonathan Stewart:Simplicity doesn't mean about having more.
Jonathan Stewart:It can mean more and it can mean less.
Jonathan Stewart:What does simplicity mean to you?
Jonathan Stewart:What do you want it to mean?
Jonathan Stewart:And what does it actually mean?
Jonathan Stewart:Where do you struggle that another app might help, but you're resisting the urge
Jonathan Stewart:to get another app because you think.
Jonathan Stewart:That it's just a phase or thing.
Jonathan Stewart:And that's actually an interesting point.
Jonathan Stewart:When is an app just a distraction.
Jonathan Stewart:And when is it actually beneficial?
Jonathan Stewart:It's beneficial when it helps, when you can actually come and say, okay, this
Jonathan Stewart:will help me achieve this specific thing.
Jonathan Stewart:The reason why is because of this example, I have toggled track and I also have Rize.
Jonathan Stewart:I paid for them both toggle track is for when I have billable clients and I need
Jonathan Stewart:to be accurate to the second because I'm trying to keep track of a specific
Jonathan Stewart:project that I'm working on for a client.
Jonathan Stewart:So I know that I'm charging the correct amount.
Jonathan Stewart:Then I have Rize.
Jonathan Stewart:Rize's job is just to work in the background.
Jonathan Stewart:So notify me when I haven't had a break in a while because sometimes hyper-focus
Jonathan Stewart:blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Jonathan Stewart:When I've been in my studio for over an hour and not rested.
Jonathan Stewart:It tells me that to give me a choice to remind me, to help me keep track
Jonathan Stewart:of time, because otherwise I lose it.
Jonathan Stewart:Rise is for general.
Jonathan Stewart:Toggle is for specific.
Jonathan Stewart:And I have both of those tools and they support me.
Jonathan Stewart:Sometimes we use things because we feel we have to.
Jonathan Stewart:But you don't.
Jonathan Stewart:Notion is hot shit right now notion is one of those tools that everybody should use.
Jonathan Stewart:Well, as a certified notion consultant, I will tell you what I've told many
Jonathan Stewart:of the people who inquire with me.
Jonathan Stewart:No, you don't.
Jonathan Stewart:Notion is not the answer for everybody.
Jonathan Stewart:Notion is the answer for many people, because it provides you with the
Jonathan Stewart:space to figure out how you work.
Jonathan Stewart:Which is where the power comes and also where the danger comes.
Jonathan Stewart:We're always trying to fit ourselves into these boxes and tools to try and
Jonathan Stewart:make our business and life simpler.
Jonathan Stewart:Yet simplicity comes when you take all of the pieces of you, the bits
Jonathan Stewart:that you struggle with and the bits that get in your way instead of trying
Jonathan Stewart:to force yourself to a certain way.
Jonathan Stewart:Spend that little extra time to figure out.
Jonathan Stewart:How you fit together!
Jonathan Stewart:Simplicity will come from that rather than just from some app